taken from the vantage point of my prison cel window, before the winter closes. seeing them, i resolved to play well and play right. why worry when i can play?
"the race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all."
if i said that, you have all the reason not to believe. it would be construed as sourgraping for not being able to finish the race, win the battle, eat an expensive sushi, acquire a 25karat diamond (if there's one), and get the best deals. but i did not say that. now you have the option to reconsider believing that. one of the best admired person i know, king solomon - the wisest man who ever lived on earth, the most politically powerful in his heydays, the richest, having had the 3 w's every male on earth covets: wealth, wine and women, exactly in that order - said exactly those words as quoted. "i have seen something else under the sun: the race is not to the swift or the battle to the..."
just like me, if you believe the words of king solomon, you too can now sleep better. and just like the children being unmindful of the crams and whines of the poor little creatures competing in a rat race of academics, i too can now rest, relax and recreate. is not favor only to the learned? no matter how much it is argued, the truth of the matter is that "time and chance happen to them all."
right opportunities come at the right time. if it comes, grab it. if doesnt, wait. if it won't, create it. just don't kill yourself for not being able to eat the expensive sushi now. relax, and sleep well. tomorrow is sushi time.
hay naku...if only thesis work can be this fun and inspiring!!! waray kunta problema. hahaha...
hahahahahahaha tama ka...i'm attending concert para tsunami this afternoon, invited ako japanese friend, libre lunch, tpos kadto ghap ako ojiya concert (christian concert) buwas kulop upod ko mga taga church. ambot nala hito nga thesis.
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