pirated dvd collections
is it in the filipino psyche to accept and promote anything pirated?
after collecting these korean, japanese, fox television serials, i become an accomplice to the crime of filipino psyche, if ever this thing is a crime.
more days than one, morning dialogues in the office beat around jumong, prison break, full house, stairway to heaven, a rosy life, princess hours, jewel in the palace, etc.
mama: my daugher is now complaining i am always watching tv. so i told them, here, you buy bigbang in the store.
daughter: but mama you told me it's not good for my teeth.
mama: no, it is not true. go, buy.
another mama: what i did was to scatter lots of coins on the floor and told my children to pick them up.
why these serials seem to be addicting all of us? one dvd, the pirated one, runs around 16 to 26 hours. i was absent a couple of times just to watch them. one officemate professed the time she was absent was because she watched jumong. another watched til midnight, woke up at 5am to watch again, and was late for work.
i am not talking here of the morality of piracy, nor the popcorn sales of these pirated dvds. i am just simply telling a story of how this captures us, and makes us live once again to the challenge of making the mundane extraordinary.
this gives us a better version of ourselves, of our lives, of our work, of our workplace. will this justify if by now we are an accomplice of this filipino psyche?
mabuhay ka jumong! mabuhay ka scofield!