kids taught me better than my classroom teachers. maybe because they don't have pretensions about life. they see things as they are. they don't filter. they just let [it] be.
every saturday, i meet these kids. hyper as they can be, their cares are just gundam, dragonballs, mario bros, and others i could not even pronounce. beyond language, our actions speak louder than words. beyond actions, our laughters reverberate the halls of the special school where these kids meet saturday after saturday. we just play. we just let things be. no guarded moments. we just drop whatever pretensions the adult world has.
the pix shows the fun during our ski day. we may not exactly know how to control the ski, but to be a kid and be kidded is more than enough to laugh out loud.
if only adults would take a closer look at kids...
Hey, bo! Which ones are the kids? I can't really tell them apart in the picture! :D
ah none of the above. and i stand by my answer. hehe
wag maingay na may baby na ko... asya ito it mga cute boys (dont mind the lady at the back)
to the question which ones are the kids, the answer should have been "ALL of the above. and i stand by my answer." hehehe too bad when one lies, the seismograph reading goes to and fro, here and there, up and down, left and right, north south east west...
ok... fine kid! (isip bata ba!)
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