the txt read: she has now tendered her resignation effective in one month. she will soon leave for the states (or txt to this effect).
i was speechless for a moment. why now? why her? other than her, all have now left to the other side of the pasture. and literally, yes, i am now left alone. the speechlessness was more because i am left alone than of them going away.
why are they going away? answers could vary from the simple to the complicated. now it dawned on me there must be something here that pushes them away. each one has his own reason of leaving. simple or complicated, that doesn't matter anymore. the fact is they have left, and are leaving.
so this boils down to me being left alone. shall i hold on to my dear philippines? shall i blind myself from the clamor of the greener pastures on the other side of the fence? but what if where i am now is greener than i thought? what if their stories, untold, speak of struggles in the rat race?
ambot. mauli la anay ako ha balay.
just stay there my friend. our motherland needs you, our elected officials need your guidance...=)
[T]here is the odd and persistent fact that it is only after a faithful journey to a distant region, a foreign country, a strange land, that the meaning of the inner voice that is to guide our quest can be revealed to us--Heinrich Zimmer (quoted in David Martinez's "A Country of Our Own")
huwag po bo maawa ka sa inang bayan
theres no other place like home,ayaw pagbayai it im iroy nga tuna (motherland)...
iisgan ka ni rizal.
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