click the image to enlarge (then u can enlarge it some more). it's a good read when your brain doesnt work anymore understanding the relationship of education and economic growth. this is also a better reading material. it makes sense to me.
i had a hearty laugh while reading this inside the plane on my way to tacloban last december 2004. taken from philippine daily inquirer, forgot the issue. (for non-pinoy, maybe u can just continue reading your textbooks.)
i changed the title from break time to blog time as suggested. the latter is more appropriate. hahaha ive been blogging most of the time such that my break time becomes synonymous to blog time.
ok i'll change the title hehehe
nice pictures...all. keep blogging. miss you.
im a trying hard photographer, thank you. since i cant perfectly describe my thoughts in words, i do with pix. i'll leave the writings to you. you paint with your words, i paint with my lens. good combi, eh? thanks tish for dropping by.
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