all pix taken in nagaoka city, except the pix of japan sea which was taken in kashiwasaki city, may 8, 2005
when rain pours, it really pours. of course. what i mean is when God blesses, He blesses abundantly without counting what He gets in return. without even counting the cost. at least as far as i am concerned. if i may recall, it cost anyway the life of Jesus to pour out all to me. He already gave His life, what more can He not give?
on the same day i arrived from a 4-day, 3-night honeymoon with the stars, my churchmate invited me for a joyride to a place of my choice. together with my other churchmates, we decided to go to nagaoka city, originally to shop. while we were singing "climb every mountain", we thought of going to onsen in the mountain but the girls refused, so we thought of a park in the mountain. the park was not really in the mountain, but good enough to refresh those who are tired. then we visited the tulip park, and the best part of it was the trip to japan sea. just imagine how my heart was so calmed upon seeing my long lost friend - the sea. it always fascinates. "why does the sea laugh, mother, as it breaks along the shore?"
this trip was a bonus blessing to me. God has already given me life. other than that is an add-on. i could not ask for more.
good pix (again)... and good life too!
hmm..pdi bang makihingi ng onting blessings din --copy ng pix ng tulips? hehe. for personal collection lan.tried downloading pero sumasama un may smiling face mo ;)) hehe.
be sending u the pix sa email mo.
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