
i cooked the main dish for our lunch today
when aoki sensei arrived in NPO hotel a few minutes after i arrived, he excitedly announced that i, yes i, me, myself, would be cooking yakisoba. (what?!!!) oh well, yes i know yakisoba, it is like yakitori. (that comment was uttered under a delirious situation.) of course, i have to impress them that i am not only good in eating, but in cooking as well. (oh mom, please help me!) under his guidance, sweat and all (hehe), i managed to do well until i placed the soba into the mixture. i thought of how good the relationship was among the soba because they were sticking to one another. they were just sticking and refused to glide, soften, like the way i saw them in "real life". some were formed like balls, others like a group of telephone wires, the likes. i had to use a wooden laddle to mix them until the soba were refined, broken, cut into pieces. oh my! some were cooked, some were not, some were halfcooked. oh well, i served them anyway, and sprinkled nori all over. it looked delicious. it really LOOKED delicious, until i actually placed a chopstick-full into my mouth. that was it, i waved my white flag and said sorry for messing up. i could not eat the soba except the meat and the vegetables. then aoki sensei told me it was his mistake, he forgot to tell me that i needed to boil the soba first. oh well... he and sekiya san had to eat them all, which they did. thank you.
goldfish in a pond

while aoki sensei prepared the dessert and sekiya san washed the strawberries, i consoled myself by looking at the pond with lots of gold fish in it. in my mind i was imagining this goldfish being grilled or barbecued. i'm sure it would have tasted better for a lunch.

the kids came after we ate our lunch. i ended up watching them play gundam in the playstation. there is a special girl named mahu-chan, 14 years old, who is so makulit. she could not get the vibes of the others because she has a world of her own. there is also another kid named taira-kun, who kept on walking here and there, and teasing and testing mahu-chan's patience until world war III broke out. atsuya-kun didnt mind the commotion, he just played his gundam while kohei-kun kept on 'cheering', referring to the enemy as "mahu san hahahaha dead! dead! hahahah" hayy buhay... bagan marisyo man la.
this is a store, even if it is not

sekiya san drove me back home. while waiting for the green light, i saw this building and wondered if this is a house, a store, or an office. only if i could read the sign. i don't know why this got my curiousity. and i hate it for wondering this way. what is it to me, anyway? green light, please, green light.

when i arrived in my room, i immediately took this japanese doll from my bag, and had it posed in my table for its first pictorial. i bought this today in a flea market in iuj, costing me 800yen. nice omiyage (present) for my family.
nice day...