parties anytime, birthdays or no birthdays at all
it now becomes a legend - this bachelor's pad. it now becomes a haven for those who are tired, weary, hungry, and bored. and a place too to share the joys and smiles of life.
the pad has no father. it has no mother either. there are no children. yet it is a home of a family who simply seeks to live a happy life inspite of how sad the world has been. there is fun in this house. there is food too. the food is brought by whoever who wishes to bring one. a person who only knows how to cry has no place in this pad. he must know how to laugh as well. this is a place of extremes. cry. laugh. shy. aggressive. leader. follower. strong. weak. busy. no work. hungry. full. abundance. emptiness. this is an assembly of those who believe that in this world, to be complete means to experience both sides of two extremes.
this is where i live. this is my world. you are welcome to come in.