ablaze for God. really, they are. so young, but wise enough to put down the meaningless pursuits of intellectuals, developmentalists, scientists, accountants, career executives, corporates. these young people from california, pure-blooded pinoys who happen to have been americanized, worked hard for their fare and all, came by to our place to assist us in our mission outreaches in leyte and samar. they brought with them goods and good news of Christ and the hope it brings to all men, needy or rich alike. i organized an activity for their welcome, and with the help of equally pure blooded pinoys too with me (the ones who truly grow up in the philippines), we came up with a very light, fun-filled welcome party. we started with a lively singing, self-introduction, and right after, the dinner. we introduced to them a modified laro-ng-lahi game we termed as tsinelas game (mechanics withheld), followed by a Q&A with AFG, and challenged them to a fear factor pinoy style (this is really now a fusion of east and west). as our way of saying welcome, we sang a very meaningful song titled "kailan pa?" maybe we can learn from them, as much as they can learn from us.